Post DIY visto en Studiodiy

Post DIY visto en Studiodiy

I guess I’m really feeling rainbow for St. Patrick’s Day this year after this, this and this. Well, why stop there when I can share with you yet another colorful project!? Today I bring you… free printable rainbow nesting boxes! My eight year old niece, Quinn, and I were getting our craft on the other night and she decided we should make boxes. So, we did. Then the rainbow idea was born and it couldn’t be more perfect for housing little sweet surprises throughout St. Patrick’s Day (or a birthday, or any other celebration!). The smallest is just big enough to hold one Hershey Kiss and the largest can fit a few tasty goodies or a small toy. They’re so easy you can print them out and let your kids put them together, or you can do it yourself as a special holiday surprise for friends and family!


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